Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cowboys 'n' Indians

With the terrible threat of TadyAtes being removed from our lives, there only remained one real threat. That being, “If you don’t behave, I’ll lock you in the coal bin.” In the winter the smell of burning coal filled the air. Small children didn’t really understand what was in the coal bin. There was never any light in them and what little light did shine in showed shiny sparkly things. Whether these were eyes or teeth no one wanted to find out.

One thing greatly coveted by my Grandpa was a pocketknife and a real “cap gun”. The knife of course wasn’t to be had because “you’ll cut yourself” and the gun cots $1.29 and was way to expensive. On Wednesday night at 7 pm the “Lone Ranger” came on and Grandpa listened to the thundering hoof beats of the great horse “Silver” and the cry “The Lone Ranger Rides Again!” For a while each Wed. night they were transported back in time to where good prevailed and the evil was either shot or severely punished.

During the day they played “Cowboys and Indians”. One rich kid had 4 sets of double holsters and chrome plated cap guns. He’d let you use one but that meant that he could say whom really “got shot” or not. You could waylay him between the barns and shoot him at point blank range. He could tell you that your bullet hit an obstruction and therefore you didn’t “get him”. Meanwhile he could shoot at you from a block away and never miss! Grandpa learned one of the basic principles of life being, “Them whats got = gets”. Once can imagine the great thrill when for Grandpa’s birthday his favorite Aunt bought him a bow and arrow set.

Due to the war in progress it didn’t have metal points on the arrows but some form of plastic. This bow was shot from morning to night until he got pretty efficient with it. This led to two things in his life. They were probably not real good, but in retrospect one was pretty neat. First, was the Cowboys and Indians ordeal. Being the only kid with a bow and arrow he automatically became the Indian. He learned that in the game of “guns”, it was the one who quietly waited in cover that usually “got” the other guy who sneaked around looking for you.

So it happened one day that he hid between one of the barns behind some wild plants and waited. After a while he saw the rich kid complete with cowboy boots and clothes. He had two guns fastened low for a fast draw and peeked out from behind some junk and got ready to make a run across an empty back lot. After looking around for the “enemy” he made his run. Grandpa drew back his bow, swung with him, got a good lead on him and shot. Even today he can look back and see the beautiful arch that arrow made. The arrow went clear across the lot and hit the rich kid right in the top of head neatly removing his cowboy Roy Roger’s hat. For once there was no argument about his being shot. That also was the last time we played Cowboy and Indians. From then on it was America’s army against the Japanese and Germans as the war raged on.

The second ordeal was due to squirrels. This particular one was sitting on top of the neighbor’s house and sassing Grandpa. It was pretty iffy whether the small bow and arrow would bring down a squirrel, but here was the big chance. Carefully drawing back the bow he took a fine aim. The arrow went right under its mark and over the ridge of the house. This proved 2 things. He didn’t hold it high enough and an arrow only makes a small hose in a neighbor’s front window. That of course can easily be fixed with several layers of scotch tape. Why would a guy get so bent out of shape for such a small hole! He avoided going on that street for about three months. No sense in stirring up unnecessary trouble!


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What a story!! I truly enjoy reading your writing!!

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